Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hoofing It

Greetings All

After my trip to Kamloops I have made a diversion south to Penticton to catch up with some people. As a result of this I ended up going on a hike outside the Dominican Radio Observatory. The facility is tucked away in a small bowl shaped valley. This creates a radio quite zone and also creates great hiking. Since I had a case of dead batteries the last time I was up there I was eager to start shooting and document the whole area. Which I did. Now I have to figure out which ones I want to include in this post.

Ohh but the things I go through for you dear bloggies, in my quest for pretty pictures I sat on a cactus. A small price to pay for art?

1 comment:

chani said...

LOVE the cactus in the ass shot!!